ERS International
Congress 2021
Events |
Welcome to meet Orion Pharma at ERS Congress 2021!
The international respiratory community will get together to share the latest scientific data & findings on respiratory medicine at the European Respiratory Society International Congress in September (5-8th). The event will be fully virtual also this year.
You can register in the congress on the official ERS website. See below what Orion Pharma will offer for the registered participants. If you are not planning to attend the event but would like to watch our symposium later, please fill in the form below. Please notice that the materials will be available only for healthcare professionals.
Join the symposium on Tuesday (7th of Sep)
Orion Pharma & Menarini will organize an exciting, virtual 60-minute symposium titled “Improving asthma & COPD outcomes in 2021: Approaches to empower patients”.
This event will involve an esteemed faculty: Prof. Bateman (South Africa), Prof. Agustí (Spain) & Prof. Murphy (UK). See the full agenda below and join us to learn more on these topics. After the symposium you will also have an opportunity to interact with the faculty in the live panel discussion.
TIME: Tuesday, 7th of September, 18:15–19:15 (CET) + panel discussion
Welcome: Introduction - Prof. Eric Bateman (South Africa)
Personalising treatment in COPD: the case for ICS - Prof. Àlvar Agustí (Spain)
Selecting the appropriate device for personalised management of asthma and COPD - Prof. Anna Murphy (UK)
The patient perspective on ICS/formoterol as reliever for mild asthma: Theory and Practice - Prof. Eric Bateman
Live Q&A panel discussion - Prof. Eric Bateman
Please fill in the form below, if you wish to watch the recordings afterwards. See also our available materials in our Online Exhibition & Videos.
Visit our virtual exhibition company page
Orion Pharma will also be present with a virtual company page at the ERS congress website. Visit our company page here to see what new is available!
Get access to our symposium recordings
Fill in the form and we will let you know as soon as the recordings are available. We will also share a symposium review article with you later this fall. Please notice that the materials will be available only for prescribing healthcare professionals.
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ERS declines all responsibility with respect to the information published on this page.
Date of preparation: August: 2021 / EASYH-1673